
1. A is looking at mergers and acquisitions to boost its overseas business. It now plans to open branches in cities including B and C. D will be put into operation next month, and the lender has also applied to set up branches in other famous cities. D will extend their global reach both by setting up branches and through mergers and acquisitions, with acquisition being their major tool for expansion.

此句使用 both by setting up branches and through mergers and acquisitions 修饰如何扩大他们的全球战略,by 这里是凭借,通过…手段的意思。being their major tool for expansion 是修饰 acquisition,作 acquisition 的定语。

2. James indicated that F could be a better option as setting up branches would not have much influence on the local markets. But the company would not specify its takeover targets.

indicate that 是某人表明,表示的意思。
a better option 更好的一个选项
have much influence on 在…方面有很大的影响

3. D plans to provide a wider range of financial products and services, such as loans and payment and trade financing for overseas expansion.

such as 诸如,例如
provide a wider range of financial products and services 在更大的范围内,提供金融产品和服务

4. Backed by its successul share reform and massive domestic initial public offering,the lender has improved management and strengthened capital base, which fueled its global expansion.

Backed by sth 由…支持
Backed by its successul share reform 作整句的分词状语;which fueled its global expansion 是非限制性定语从句,对整句起到补充说明的作用。


文章作者: 崔毅
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